The active ingredients in Moldrox destroys moisture and mold on any surface. Get rid of mold in minutes rather than hours.

Moldrox works on all surfaces. Check below for a full list:

No, Moldrox uses safe ingredients which do not affect surfaces. We tested Moldrox on all surfaces and found that there was no difference in the surface quality before or after.

Although your normal cleaner may seem to get the job done there are many products in the market which damage your skin or cause harm to your house. You can be assured that there Moldrox does not show these issues and provides a better solution to the molding problem.

No, the active ingredients used in Moldrox are safe for human skin. You will not experience irritation or scars.

Moldrox is a long-lasting solution for mold. There are various reasons why Mold may reoccur but if surfaces are kept clean and Moldrox will offer a long term-solution.